Main capabilities, Multiple hd format acquisition, Streamlined hd production based on central storage – EVS OpenCubeHD-SD User Manual

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mUlTiple hd

FoRmaT acqUiSiTion

opencubehd/Sd allows you to capture

video content in different formats wrapped

with the appropriate metadata-enabled

mXF wrapper and with native p2 and

Xdcamhd support.

The server ensures the quality of the video

and also makes efficient use of the mXF

format for audio track management and

wrapping Vanc/VBi information.

The system can be controlled in different

ways :

• via an intuitive GUi

• through a simple Soap Web

Services api

• using RS422 (BVW, Vdcp) interface

offering a full tape emulation in

playback and record

STReamlined hd

pRodUcTion BaSed

on cenTRal SToRaGe

opencubehd/Sd is a turnkey solution

and a highly-effective hd gateway

between your video equipment and editing

environment. its scalability allows you

to easily connect it to your existing iT

infrastructure, whether San or naS.

digitized media can be directly dropped

in a distant storage bin without local copy

for confidence viewing, quality control

and editing during ingest. opencubehd/

Sd is delivered with an edit-oriented GUi

for simple and straightforward media

manipulation : browsing, checking,

logging, ingest batching, consolidating

and repurposing.

For massive video tape ingest projects,

eVS now presents its new web-based

Flexo3 application that allows you to

flawlessly perform automation and

archive digitization with a Flexicart robot.

Flexo3 has been developed to make

ingesting as simple as possible. each VTR

in the Flexicart can be connected to an

opencubehd/Sd video for a complete or

partial digitization of the tape.

The application can be easily connected

to your existing media asset management

(mam) system using Soa protocol to

automatically retrieve useful metadata.

Stack your Flexicart with tapes,

close the door and Flexo3 takes care of

everything. Barcodes are scanned,

ids are automatically sent to your mam

and all information retrieved from the

mam (Timecode, aspect Ratio,

audio tracks, description, etc) is used to

master archive migration and feed the

mXF metadata. advanced features allow

the application to be monitored locally or

from a distance using a Web browser.

Flexo3 also offers comprehensive

quality check functions. Throughout the

recording process, the VTR’s “channel

condition” can be monitored and

displayed to the operator. The application

can also launch opencube XFReader for

confidence viewing of all mXF-ingested

materials. and Flexo3 offers the option

of being connected to interra BatonTm

for newly generated mXF Files for quality

checks. all qc information can be

communicated to your mam system once

it is connected.