EVS OpenCube DCP User Manual

The ideal system for mastering dcp creation, Key features, New with version 2.8

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Boost your HD anD D-Cinema

ProDuCtion WorkfloW

The Ideal SySTem for

maSTerIng dCP CreaTIon

openCubedCP is a powerful version of the linux-based

openCube ddr (digital disk recorder) whose role

is to facilitate dCP and dCP 3d production in Studios

and Post houses.

openCubedCP fits right in to your existing equipment

infrastructure, allowing you to fully edit uncompressed

hd, 2K, 4K media before moving directly on to dCI-

compliant mXf file generation.

openCubedCP has all the features required

to master the dCP production chain, including

a simple Timeline for reels creation, as well as audio

and subtitle synchronization, X’y’Z’ color space

conversion, Jpeg2000 encoding, encryption, mXf

wrapping and Kdm generation capabilities.

Key feaTureS

ingest and conform uncompressed HD, 2k and 4k materials

Boost 2D and 3D DCP creation

Create your own kDm with the kDmake application

manage subtitles with preview overlay

master your DCP with 3D lut

master your DCP

with 3D lut

DCP smPte

even faster than real

time Jpeg2k encoding

and decoding

subtitle image burn-in

support of additional

framerates (25, 30, 50,

60 fps)

new wITh

verSIon 2.8