Main capabilities, Maximum mobility with minimum constraints, Xf2 hdd adaptor – EVS XF2 User Manual

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eVs storage systems are designed to meet any

broadcaster’s most demanding expectations for

reliable, scalable, and secure storage and archive

solutions. XF2 is the best removable storage

solution for archiving, storage and transfer of

media in all broadcast workflow.

tWo to Four remoVaBLe

harD DisK DriVes

pLatForms For FuLL

proDuCtion FLeXiBiLity

the XF2 can operate in single mode, dual disk

mode or in mirrored mode. using the mirrored

storage configuration provides maximum security

against drive failures. XF2 has become the new

standard for oB content delivery.

BaCKup pLatForm For Xt/Xs

series proDuCtion serVers

meDia Content

the XF2 provides automatic background archiving

and can be connected to the Xt/Xs series

production servers through the Xnet2, eVs’ media

sharing network, for instant content backup

and restore. the XF2 also provides mXF or XmL

metadata management and native support for

super motion clips.

gateWay pLatForm BetWeen

Xt/Xs series proDuCtion

serVers anD nLe stations

the XF2 allows streaming of media, such as

camera isos and live feeds, from Xt/Xs series

servers onto nLes. the XF2 also imports media

from graphic or post-production stations onto Xt/

Xs series servers for live production like bumpers,

logos, screen animation, and more. XF2 disks can

be used for direct import of media and metadata

to nLe with no server required.

maXimum moBiLity With

minimum Constraints

the XF2’s removable disks can be connected into a

portable XF2 adaptor via either a usB2 or Firewire

connection for direct import into nLes.



the XF2’s removable

disks can be connected

into a portable XF2

Adaptor via either a usB2

or Firewire connection

direct import to nle’s.