Getting started, Traffi c display legend – Acura 2012 TL Navigation User Manual
Page 23

Getting Started
Navigation System
Traffi c Display Legend
Viewing Incident Details:
To view incident details, use the Interface
Dial to position the cursor (round red circle)
over an incident icon and push in.
Incident Icons
Accident / Incident (other)
Road Closed
Incident Icon Update Details:
• Typically M–F, 5:00 AM – 7:00
PM (varies by metropolitan area)
• Continuously updated signal is
Map Scale
Traffi c fl ow and incident icons are
displayed on the 5 mile (8 km) or
less map scale
Hearing Incident Details:
If this screen is displayed, the system will
start reading incident details.
To view the message on the screen, push
in on the Interface Dial.
To return to current position, press the
MAP/GUIDE button.
Traffi c Flow Data
(colored lines parallel to road)
Heavy traffi c: 0 – 24 mph
Moderate traffi c: 25 – 52 mph
Free fl ow traffi c: 53 + mph
(shown for both sides of the freeway where
Traffi c Flow Data Update Details:
• Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Continuously updated
5 mi
1/20 mi
When driving to a destination on freeways that have traffi c fl ow data, the route line
is used to display moderate and heavy traffi c fl ow status instead of the colored bands
on the side of the road. The route line color indicates the following conditions:
• Free Flow Traffi c - A section of the blue route line will be bordered with a light
green line (this may be diffi cult to see).
• Moderate Traffi c Flow - A section of the route line will change from green to orange.
• Heavy Traffi c Flow - A section of the route line will change from green to red.
• Unknown Traffi c Flow - A section of the route will not be bordered with traffi c
fl ow.