Measuring dc voltage, Measuring ac voltage, Fig. 7 – Actron AutoTroubleShooter CP7677 User Manual

Page 8: Fig. 8

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Measuring DC Voltage

This multimeter can be used to measure
DC voltages in the range from 0 to 1000V.
You can use this multimeter to do any DC
voltage measurement called out in the
vehicle service manual. The most com-
mon applications are measuring voltage
drops, and checking if the correct voltage
arrived at a sensor or a particular circuit.

To measure DC Voltages (see Fig. 7):

6. View reading on display - Note

range setting for correct units.

NOTE: 200mV = 0.2V

Measuring AC Voltage

This multimeter can be used to measure
AC voltages in the range from 0 to 750V.

To measure AC Voltages (see Fig. 8):

Fig. 7

1. Insert BLACK test lead into COM

test lead jack.

2. Insert RED test lead into

test lead jack.

3. Connect RED test lead to positive

(+) side of voltage source.

4. Connect BLACK test lead to nega-

tive (-) side of voltage source.

NOTE: If you don’t know which side
is positive (+) and which side is nega-
tive (-), then arbitrarily connect the
RED test lead to one side and the
BLACK to the other. The multimeter
automatically senses polarity and will
display a minus (-) sign when nega-
tive polarity is measured. If you
switch the RED and BLACK test
leads, positive polarity will now be
indicated on the display. Measuring
negative voltages causes no harm
to the multimeter.

5. Turn multimeter rotary switch to

desired voltage range.

If the approximate voltage is unknown,
start at the largest voltage range and
decrease to the appropriate range as
required. (See Setting the Range on
page 6)

1. Insert BLACK test lead into COM

test lead jack.

2. I n s e r t R E D t e s t l e a d i n t o

test lead jack.

3. Connect RED test lead to one side

of voltage source.

4. Connect BLACK test lead to other

side of voltage source.

5. Turn multimeter rotary switch to

desired voltage range.

If the approximate voltage is un-
known, start at the largest voltage
range and decrease to the appropri-
ate range as required. (See Setting
the Range on page 6)

6. View reading on display - Note

range setting for correct units.

NOTE: 200mV = 0.2V



Fig. 8



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