Activeforever MedReady Automatic Medication Dispenser User Manual
Activeforever Health and hygiene

How to use the MedReady Automated Medication Dispenser:
4 Easy-to-Follow Steps
Loading medication:
A. To open, first use the key to unlock the lid. Note: the key cannot be
removed in the unlocked position. Next, rotate the lid counterclockwise
slightly and easily lift the lid off. With the AC adapter plugged into both
your electrical wall socket and the unit, press the test button. This will
cause the tray to rotate and the alarm to sound. Slide the "T" bar forward
to the "X" to stop the alarm from sounding.
B. The medication for each dosage should be placed in 28 of the 29 cups
of the removable tray. Leave the first cup empty to serve as the marker
and first cup that appears at the dispensing bay when MedReady is
activated. To conform to any regimen, a different cocktail or combination
of medications may be placed in each cup. The medication should be
distributed in a counterclockwise direction since the tray rotates clockwise.
Using the included filling ring makes this step easier!
C. In some cases the tray may be filled with medication when it is
removed from the unit. After following the instructions in step B above,
place the tray with the empty cup to the right of the of the "T" bar. Press
the test button to ensure the blank is in the displayed position and again
slide the "T" bar forward to the "X" position to stop the alarm from
sounding. Sometimes it may be necessary to repeat this operation until
the empty cup is in the dispensing bay position. When you put the lid back
on the empty cup should be showing when the slide is moved.
Setting time of day:
A. Set the time of day by pressing and holding down the TIME button with
one finger while another finger presses the HOUR button until it advances
to the correct hour.
B. Press AM-PM to set an AM or PM time.
C. Repeat these steps for setting alarms 2 through 4 for the next three
deliveries of oral medication if needed.
You can review your dispensing times by pressing the individual alarm
buttons. Remember: an alarm is set when the light above the alarm button
is on. Press the alarm button to set/unset an alarm. For instance, if you
have a two-times-a-day regimen, you should see two lights on above the
alarm buttons.