Activeforever CoreStretch Stretching Exerciser (CoreStretch) User Manual

Core stretch

background image

As always, if you have had any recent physical problems or surgery, or if you are just beginning to exercise,

especially after a long absence, please consult your physician. As with any new stretching technique, it is

recommended that you start slowly using the beginner positions and then gradually progress to the more

advanced positions and techniques.

Lower & Upper
Back & Shoulders

Lower Back

Slightly bend the knees and
slowly lean forward. You
may also lean side to side
emphasizing a side or
specific target area.

Slightly bend the knees, cross
your arms (see inset) and
slowly lean forward.

Lats & Lateral

Lower Back &

Slightly bend the knees.
Reverse your hands so that
your palms are facing
upwards (see inset) and
slowly lean forward

Straighten your legs and
slowly lean forward.

Intermediate stretches

in a standing position

(can also be done leaning

against a wall for support)

Lower Back
& Hamstrings

With legs straight, slowly lean

Groin &

With legs spread, slowly lean

Peroneal (Outer
Calf & Ankle)
Lateral (outside)

With legs spread, invert toes
(point inward) and slowly
lean forward.

Medial (inner)
Calf & Medial (inner)

With legs spread, evert toes
(point outward) and slowly
lean forward.

Advanced Lat

With legs straight and
slightly separated, grip the
handle with one hand and
support yourself on the
floor with the other. Lean
toward the supporting
hand. Reverse hands for
other side.

Advanced stretching

sitting on the floor


“Stretching BACK Into Shape”

For best results, please read the stretching guidelines and directions for proper technique included on the

reverse side of this poster. Also, be sure that your arms are fully extended (not bent at the elbow) and

your back is straight (not curved) as shown in the diagram below. This will maximize your back elonga-

tion and stretch.

Correct Height

Correct Posture

Incorrect Height

Incorrect Posture

Beginning stretches in a seated position



Grip the handle with one
hand and support yourself on
the chair with the other
hand. Lean toward the
supporting hand. Reverse
hands for other side.

Lower Back

Keep legs bent and slowly
lean forward. You may also
lean side to side emphasizing
a side or specific target

Lower Back
& Hamstrings

Position yourself on the edge
of your seat. Straighten your
legs and slowly lean forward.
This can also be done one
leg at a time.

Lower & Upper
Back & Shoulders

Legs bent, cross your arms
(see inset) and slowly lean

Lower Back,
Hamstrings & Shins

Sitting on the edge of your
chair, straighten your legs
and point your toes. Slowly
lean forward.

Lats & Lateral

Reverse your hands so that
your palms are facing
upwards (see inset) and
slowly lean forward

Hip (Piriformis)
Upper Glute & I.T. Band

Sitting comfortably in
your chair, cross the leg
of the hip you want to
stretch and slowly lean