Activeforever PostureTek Biofeedback Apparel System User Manual

Activeforever Health and hygiene

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Directions and FAQs for PostureTek™ biofeedback apparel system

Thank you for your purchase of

the PostureTek biofeedback apparel system.

This product will help train you to develop

better posture. It is perfect for every-day wear,

in the gym and in any activity, from

the office to the yard.

The activation disc

Insert the activation disc into the holder aligning the disc slot to the

corresponding key in the holder. Adjust by turning the disc clockwise until the

desired tension is reached. Posture is variable and the novelty of this shirt is that

the posture sensitivity can be adjusted on the fly. You may want the shirt to be

very sensitive by turning clockwise, and at other times, you may want to lessen

the sensitivity by depressing the central tab and spinning the activation disc

wheel counter-clockwise.


I understand posture is variable, but what is a good starting point for my


A simple starting point is to stand up against a wall so your shoulder blades are

touching the wall evenly. At this point, you can set your disc tension such that

when your shoulder blades “slouch” off the wall, the

disc will indicate this

improper change in posture and vibrate. When the shoulder blades are against

the wall and your chin is parallel to the floor, your posture is ideal. At Perseus

Athletics, we call this the “home” posture position.

How long will it take to learn proper posture?”

Biofeedback learned behavior studies have shown that it can take many days to

understand and appreciate a new habit, but unfortunately, the data is scarce. At

Perseus Athletics, we believe that conditioning or maintenance of biofeedback

learned behavior is very important. In other words, if the user feels that he or she

has mastered their posture, it would be advisable to return using the PostureTek

garment on a regular basis to ensure a permanent postural improvement.