Smart Technologies Bridgit 4.5 User Manual

Page 50

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5. Click Send.

A meeting request including a link to the SMART Bridgit meeting is sent to the meeting



  N O T E

If the option to provide passwords by default was selected by your system administrator, a

randomly-generated password for the meeting is included in the invitation.

You can change the SMART Scheduler settings for a single meeting or save settings for all new

meetings. You can also customize a meeting password.


To change the SMART Scheduler settings for a single meeting

1. Start Outlook, and then switch to the calendar view.

2. Click the arrow on the New button, and then select Meeting Request.

An untitled meeting request form appears.

3. Click Settings.

The SMART Scheduler Settings dialog box appears.


  N O T E

Changes made to a meeting's settings affect only the current meeting. For information on

how to change the settings for all meetings, refer to Scheduling a SMART Bridgit meeting in

Microsoft Outlook on the previous page.

4. To change Server Settings, type a new server name in the appropriate box.


  I M P O R T A N T

Do not change the server settings unless directed to by your system administrator.

5. To remove a password from the meeting, clear the Password protect this meeting check

box. If you want to use a password, leave it selected.


  N O T E

Every time this check box is selected, a new password is randomly generated. If you type a

new password, and then clear and select this check box, the password field is reset.

6. To change the password, type a new password in the appropriate box.

7. If you're using the Voice Bridge option, select Share the following voice bridge details for

this meeting, and then type the telephone number and meeting code in the appropriate boxes.

C H A P T E R 2

Using SMART Bridgit