Yamaha P-2200/2201 User Manual
Page 9

22-position, log-linear, detented, and dB-calibrated
INPUT ATTENUATORS (one per channel)
attenuate input signal in 2dB steps from 0dB
attenuation to -34dB, then steps of -37dB, -42dB,
-50dB, infinity; Power (ON-OFF) switch; INPUT
POLARITY switches.
AGC (3AG) type, 7-amps x 2 parallel fuses for the
AC line input (U.S. and Canadian models).
4-amps x 2 parallel fuses for the AC line input
(other territories' models).
Mounts in a standard 19-inch (48cm) rack. 7" high
(17.6cm); maximum depth behind front panel is
13" (33.0cm); maximum depth including front
handles 14-1/2" (37.9cm).
P-2200; 44 pounds (20kg), P2201; 42 pounds (19kg).
Semi-gloss black.
Power Output: (Refer to Figures 14 and 15.)
400 Watts continuous average sine wave power into
16 ohms with less than 0.05% THD, 20Hz to 20kHz.
Frequency Response: (Refer to Figure 16)
+0dB, -1dB, 20Hz to 50kHz.
Total Harmonic Distortion
: (Refer to Figures 17 and 18.)
Less than 0.01% @ 300 Watts into 1 6 ohms at 1kHz.
Intermodulation Distortion:
Less than 0.05% using frequencies of 70Hz and 7kHz,
mixed in a ratio of 4:1, at a power output of 200
Watts into 1 6 ohms.
Input Sensitivity:
An input of 0dB (0.775 Volts), ±0.5dB, produces an
output of 200 Watts into 1 6 ohms (INPUT attenuator
set for minimum attenuation, maximum level).
Input Impedance:
25K-ohms minimum (unbalanced).
Damping Factor: (@ 16 ohms) (Refer to Figures 19
Greater than 220 at any frequency from 20Hz to
1kHz; greater than 100 at any frequency from 20Hz
to 20kHz.
Hum and Noise:
At least 110dB signal-to-noise ratio (I.H.F./A.S.A.
No. Z24.3-1944).
Slew Rate:
35 volts per microsecond, or better, at 100 Watts into
1 6 ohms, 200kHz square wave input.
Specifications subject to change without notice.