Yamaha P-2200/2201 User Manual
Page 51

The factory paging/background music system in
Figure 77 also shows the P-2200 used in "mono"
70-volt mode. One P-2200 feeds the main factory areas
with a highly compressed signal. The other P-2200 feeds
office areas with a separate, less compressed signal that
has been equalized for a more natural sound. This setup
also allows selective paging into office or factory areas,
or into both areas simultaneously, and it could also
allow different programs to be fed to the office and
factory areas.
The P-2200 is highly reliable, and exceptionally
stable, even under highly reactive 70-volt line loads. In
smaller systems and in larger systems, the P-2200's
dB-calibrated attenuators and peak reading meters help
the installer and operator achieve optimum system
performance. In fact, the P-2200 can improve just about
any commercial sound system design, from auditoriums
and other reinforcement systems, to electronic church
organs, to shopping center or airport paging.
Other Uses
The P-2200 is a basic tool for all types of sound
systems. Yet its uses are not limited to sound systems
alone. The P-2200's exceptional performance specifica-
tions, and high power output make it an excellent audio
frequency oscillator amplifier for test bench use, which
will not degrade the performance of even the highest
quality test oscillators, noise generators, tone burst
generators, function generators or other equipment.
Fig. 77 - Factory Paging System