About this manual – Yamaha P-2200/2201 User Manual
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The P-2200 is a system oriented amplifier, made to be
used in conjunction with mixers, consoles, frequency
dividing networks and speakers — those made by
Yamaha or by other manufacturers. Like any power
amplifier, the P-2200's performance depends on system
design and installation, in addition to its own capabilities.
Thus, the P-2200 Operating Manual is system oriented,
describing system design parameters and installation
techniques, as well as the operation and performance of
the P-2200.
Additionally, this manual reviews a few of the basic
mathematic tools used in system design, from dB to
Ohm's law.
We recommend that you read the entire Operating
Manual. However, if you are using the P-2200 in an
existing system, and you are familiar with high power
Pages One 1 & 2, contain all the information necessary for
basic connections and operation.
The SPECIFICATION sections, (Sections THREE
and FOUR) are highly detailed, including oscilloscope
photos, and discussions of the P-2200's excellent
performance specifications. The last part of the
SPECIFICATIONS section is a discussion of the
advantages of professional equipment, like the P-2200,
compared to hi-fi or semi-pro equipment.
OPERATION section, which begins on Page SIX 1,
includes more complete instructions, special considera-
tions for using the P-2200 "on the road," as well as in
permanent commercial and studio installations. This
section also covers grounding and shielding concepts,
cabling considerations, and several other topics.
The APPLICATIONS section, which begins on Page
SEVEN 1 , discusses the use of the P-2200 in several
typical setups, and includes wiring diagrams. This section
also covers other devices that are normally associated
with a power amplifier, from graphic equalizers to
The APPENDIX, on Page EIGHT 1 , discusses
definitions of a number of the terms used in the manual,
and reviews some of the basic mathematic tools used in
system design, such as the dB, Ohm's law, voltage
division, and power formulas.
NOTE: The P2201 is identical to the P-2200 except
there are no Peak Reading Meters.