Yamaha DX21 User Manual

Page 14

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produced depends on the settings of the LFO parameters—these will be discussed
in CHAPTER V: VOICE PROGRAMMING. Note, however, that the appropriate

voice PITCH MODULATION SENSITIVITY parameter must be set to a value higher
than 0 for pitch modulation to be effective. The voice PITCH MODULATION
SENSITIVITY parameter will also be discussed in CHAPTER V. The data range is
from 0 to 99. At 0 pitch modulation is OFF, and rotating the modulation wheel

will cause no pitch modulation to be applied to the voice. A setting of 99 produces
the greatest possible pitch modulation depth.

Data is entered using the DATA ENTRY controls or switches. Once this function
is called, subsequent presses on the B8 button increment the data value.


As you move the DX21 modulation wheel away from you an increasing amount

of LFO modulation is applied to the selected voice. LFO modulation can be made

to modulate the amplitude (level) of specified voice elements (operators), producing
a range of tremolo or timbre modulation (wow-wow) type effects. This function

is used to set the maximum depth of amplitude modulation which can be applied
using the modulation wheel. The actual effect produced depends on the settings
of the LFO parameters—these will be discussed in CHAPTER V: VOICE PRO-
GRAMMING. Note, however, that the appropriate voice AMPLITUDE MODU-
LATION SENSITIVITY parameter must be set to a value higher than 0 for amplitude
modulation to be effective. The voice AMPLITUDE MODULATION SENSITIVITY
parameter will also be discussed in CHAPTER V.

The data range is from 0 to 99. At 0 amplitude modulation is OFF, and rotating
the modulation wheel will cause no amplitude modulation to be applied to the voice.
A setting of 99 produces the greatest possible amplitude modulation depth.

Data is entered using the DATA ENTRY controls or switches. Once this function
is called, subsequent presses on the B9 button increment the data value.

The Yamaha Breath Controller

The optional Yamaha BC1 Breath Controller is a unique way of adding expression
to the sound as you play the DX21 keyboard. The BC1 is held in the mouth just

like the mouthpiece of a wind instrument. Blowing harder or softer into the BC1
mouthpiece then produces a corresponding effect. The Breath Controller can be
used to apply varying amounts of pitch or amplitude LFO modulation, just like the
modulation wheel. In addition it can be set up to directly affect pitch, amplitude

or timbre in response to breath pressure. Set to directly affect amplitude (EG BIAS),
for example, the Breath Controller can be used to apply realistic tonguing effects

to brass and other wind instrument sounds.
The four BREATH parameters listed below determine just how the Breath Controller

will affect the DX21 sound. These parameters may be set individually, or combined

for more complex effects.


This function is used to set the maximum depth of LFO pitch modulation which
can be applied using the Breath Controller. The actual effect produced depends
on the settings of the LFO parameters—these will be discussed in CHAPTER V:
VOICE PROGRAMMING. Note, however, that the appropriate voice PITCH

MODULATION SENSITIVITY parameter must be set to a value higher than 0 for

pitch modulation to be effective. The voice PITCH MODULATION SENSITIVITY
parameter will be discussed in CHAPTER V: VOICE PROGRAMMING.
The data range is from 0 to 99. At 0 pitch modulation is OFF, and applying breath
pressure to the Breath Controller will cause no pitch modulation to be applied to
the voice. A setting of 99 produces the greatest possible pitch modulation depth.