X10 Wireless Technology MK19A User Manual

Page 9

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When the Mouse Remote picture is

displayed, moving the cursor around

the screen causes programmable buttons

or buttons with additional help (setup/X-

10/TV/CBL/SAT/VCR) to illuminate.

Double-clicking on these buttons will

allow them to be programmed or show

additional help. Right-clicking on these

buttons will display a pop-up menu

offering additional options.

When you double-click on a button the

window shown below is displayed.

This window lets you configure the button

for what you want it to do. There are 6

different things that you can program a

button to do. These are:




Launch lets you launch any application

you choose from the button.

For example:

To set up button number 1 to launch your

word processor:

Click on the Mouse Remote icon (on the

desktop for Win 3.x or in the taskbar for

Windows 95) and then click Configure.

When you see the picture of the Mouse

Remote, click on the PC key and then

double-click on the number 1 button.

When you see the picture above, click

on Launch.

However, to take advantage of the

advanced features of the Mouse Remote,

you can install the software that came

with it. This lets you configure the

remote’s special function buttons such as

PC, WEB, DVD, PHONE, CD, etc. You

can configure these buttons to perform

special functions such as launching your

WEB Browser, for example. If you prefer

you can just use the defaults Listed on

pages 9 to 13.







Installation for Windows 3.x
Insert the Mouse Setup Disk or CD into

your Floppy or CD drive. Launch File

Manager and click on the drive letter for

your Floppy or CD drive and double-click

on Setup.exe. Follow the on-screen

prompts to install the Mouse Remote

software. After the installation is complete

you will be given the opportunity to read

the README file. Remember to re-boot

your computer after installing the


Installation for Windows 95.
Insert Mouse Setup Floppy or CD into

your Floppy or CD drive. Use Explorer to

open your Floppy or CD drive and

double-click on Setup.exe. Follow the on-

screen prompts to install the mouse

software. After the installation is complete

you will be given the opportunity to read

the README file. Remember to re-boot

your computer after installing the


Windows 3.x: click on the “RF Remote

Mouse” icon in the control panel or click

on the minimized mouse icon on the

desktop and select the Configure option

from the menu, to bring up a picture of

the Remote.
Windows 95: click the remote mouse

tray icon and select the “Configure”

option from the menu, to bring up a

picture of the Mouse Remote. (See page

20 also).