Xilinx ML403 User Manual
Page 17

Running the Applications
XAPP979 (v1.0) February 26, 2007
Select dynamic_eeprom and right click to build the project. If more than one software project
is used, make the unused software projects inactive.
Connect a serial cable to the RS232C port on the ML403 board. Start up a HyperTerminal. Set
Bits per second to 9600, Data bits to 8, Parity to None, and Flow Control to None, as shown in
From XPS, start XMD and enter
. Invoke GDB and select Run to start the application as
shown in
. The
code written for the ML403 shown in the figure runs without
any modifications on this reference system.
Figure 20: HyperTerminal Parameters
Figure 21: Running dynamic_eeprom in GDB