Chapter 8: dns configuration, Chapter 8 - dns confi guration, Xc-dpg603 – XiNCOM XC-DPG603 User Manual
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Chapter 8 - DNS Confi guration
A domain name is a unique name that identifi es a server on the Internet. A domain name typically consists of two or more parts usually
separated by dots. In the example of,, the given root name of xincom denotes the second level domain. Second level
domain names are registered by a consumer/business through a Top Level Domain (TLD) registry such as The suffi x
behind the root name, .com in this example, is a Top Level Domain in the Domain Name System. This denotes the highest level of the
hierarchy after the root name of xincom. Both the second and top level domains create the unique domain name
Every Web, FTP or Email server requires an Authoritative Domain Name Server to route the domain name to the respective IP address
or multiple IP addresses. Using the XC-DPG603 as an authoritative DNS gives the network administrator the ability to easily create
and manage extra domain names. This provides a web site with expanded bandwidth and redundancy via auto-failover in case a single
Internet connection fails.
The DNS Confi guration is a major part of the XC-DPG603. By acting as an authoritative name server, it is able to serve the incoming
requests on UDP port 53 (DNS port) and provide the IP address of the web server. The XC-DPG603 manipulates the last step based on
a few factors such as current bandwidth, load balance type and load share percentage (Advanced Port => Load Balance menu).
When a request comes in to your domain name, the XC-DPG603 looks at these factors to determine which WAN port should be used to
access the server. When the traffi c load is higher on WAN 1, the XC-DPG603 will reply with the IP address of WAN2, in which case the
user will connect to WAN 2 allowing for the best latency and speed.
The XiNCOM XC-DPG603 is capable of handling up to 10 domain names in such manner, giving you the ability to provide hosting
services with automatic fail-over and load balancing (Check your Internet Service Provider service agreement before hosting any content
on your connections).
Confi gure DNS
You must have two WAN connections with static IP addresses in order to use the Load Balance and Fail-over functionality provided by
the XC-DPG603 DNS to IP function. Only one broadband connection is required for the Authoritative DNS function. It is necessary to
register your WAN1/WAN2 IP addresses with your Domain Name Provider for a static DNS.
Once you have confi gured the DNS confi guration, you may confi gure your connection validation and load balance options in the
Advanced Port menu in Load Balancing and Port Options.
VPN Gateway
Chapter Contents
• Overview
• Domain Name Confi guration
• DNS Server Confi guration
• Map Host URL