Auto accompaniment, Re-voicing the tracks – Yamaha PSR-510 User Manual

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The BASS track always plays a bass line, but the voice will change to fit
the selected style … acoustic bass, synth bass, tuba, etc.


Both these tracks provide the rhythmic chordal accompaniment required by
each style. You’ll find guitar, piano, and other chordal instruments here.


This track plays long chords where necessary, using sustained instruments
such as strings, organ, choir.

PHRASE 1 & 2:

This is where the musical embellishments reside. The PHRASE tracks are
used for punchy brass stabs, arpeggiated chords, and other extras that make
the accompaniment more interesting.

Try different combinations of tracks with each style. Some styles will sound best with the full arrangement

(all tracks ON), while others might suit your needs better if a smaller arrangement is used. To “thin out” an
arrangement, the PHRASE 1 and PHRASE 2 tracks are the first ones you’ll want to turn OFF.

Another way to use the tracks is to gradually build up the arrangement during the course of a song. Start

with a small arrangement — e.g. RHYTHM 1, BASS, and RHYTHMIC CHORD 1 — then add tracks one by
one as you want to thicken the musical texture.

Some styles will actually sound quite different depending on the combination of tracks you choose. Try,

for example, just RHYTHM 1, BASS, and PAD CHORD.

Auto Accompaniment


Select a Track to Re-voice .....................................................................................................................

Press the TRACK button corresponding to the track you want to re-voice

while holding the [REVOICE] button. Both the selected TRACK and
[REVOICE] button indicators will flash. At the same time, the number of
the voice currently assigned to the selected track will appear on the MULTI


• At this point you can play the selected track’s voice on the keyboard.

• Keyboard percussion is automatically turned on if the RHYTHM 1 or 2

track is selected.

Re-voicing the Tracks

To make the TRACK buttons even more versatile, the PSR-510 features a REVOICE function that lets you

individually change the voices and several related VOICE section parameters assigned to each track. The param-
eters that can be changed using the REVOICE function are as follows:

• Voice Number (Percussion Kit Number)
• Volume
• Pan
• DSP Depth
• Octave


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