Whistler PRO-3450 User Manual
Page 6

Temperature/Voltage Mode
The unit can be programmed to display either the outside
temperature or battery voltage along with Highway/City
modes. See Option Select Mode. Display reads:
• Ice Warning Mode: When temperature drops to 32˚F
display reads:
Unit then gives a unique warning tone. This will only hap-
pen once after the unit is first turned on. When either Hi T
or Lo T is displayed the limits of the temperature sensor
have been reached.
Note: Temperature may rise while vehicle is stopped and
idling, this is normal.
Engaging/Disengaging VG-2
See option select mode to turn this feature on.
Note: Selecting “POP OFF” turns VG-2 ON.
City/City 1/City 2 Mode
W h i s t l e r’s Three Stage City Mode is designed to reduce the
annoyance of automatic door openers, intrusion alarms and
other devices which share frequencies with police radar.
Generally X band is used for these devices.
• P ress C i t y to engage City. Display re a d s :
• P ressing C i t y a second time engages City 1. Display re a d s :
• P ressing C i t y a third time engages City 2. Display re a d s :
• P ressing C i t y a fourth time cancels City Modes and re t u rn s
the unit to Highway Mode. Display re a d s :
In City Mode, weak speed/safety radar signals give an initial
a l a rm of two beeps, and then remains quiet unless the signal
becomes very strong. When the signal strength increases, two
additional beeps are provided. In City 1 Mode, only the X band
sensitivity is lowered. City 1 & City 2 Modes operate the same as
Highway Mode, but in City 1 Mode, only the X- band sensitivity
is lowered. In City 2 Mode, X-band is not detected.
C A U T I O N :
When selecting this mode, some towns/small cities may still be using X band radar.
If Auto Quiet is engaged in City 1 or City 2 modes and the unitre c e i v e s
a strong radar signal, the unit perf o rms the Auto Quiet feature .
City Modes do not change the audio alert for laser or VG-2.
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