Introduction – Whistler PRO-3450 User Manual

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Dear Whistler Owner,

With the change in time also comes change in technology. Radar
gun manufacturers have stepped up to the plate. The new arsenal
they carry is called POP

Mode. This new gun is a normal K or Ka

band radar gun detectable by most radar detectors made in the
past 30 years, unless the gun is placed in POP

Mode. POP


is a feature on some newer radar guns operating on K and Ka bands.
When the gun is in POP

Mode and activated, a brief burst of energ y,

less that 1/15 of a second, is transmitted and the vehicle’s speed i s
quickly acquired. A detector without POP

Mode detection c a p a b i l i t y

cannot respond to this brief transmission. This detector has the power
to re p o rt this new gun where other detectors cannot! - until now!

Whistler introduces the Pro-3450 with POP

Mode detection! The

P ro-3450 is the beginning in total protection. With POP

Mode detection,

the Pro-3450 can react fast enough to detect this new technology.
Packed with power you still have a full featured radar detector:


provides distinct visual confirmation of signals detected, signal
strength, and indicates engaged modes of operation.


allows control panel to be mounted 3 different ways and
viewed correctly.

Even though the Pro-3450 is packed full of features, it’s still very
easy to use. To fully utilize your unit to its potential, we re c o m m e n d
reading this entire manual or visit our FAQ page on our web site
w w w.w h i s t l e rg ro u p. c o m .

Enjoy your new Whistler and please drive safely.


The Whistler Group, Inc.

If you have questions concerning the

operation of this Whistler product please call:






Monday - Friday • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT

or visit our website

Please keep the receipt in a safe place.

You may register your product online at For warranty

verification purposes, a copy of your dated
store receipt must still accompany any unit
sent in for warranty work. If the unit is
returned without a dated store receipt an
out of warranty service charge applies.

Note: Your warranty period begins at the

time of purchase. The warranty is validated

only by the dated store receipt! Now is the

time to record the serial number of the unit
in the space provided in the warranty section
of the manual.

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