WorldSpace wssr-11 User Manual
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Q u e st i o n
A n s w e r
What do the S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T +/-
A l l ow listeners to scroll through a broadcast channel’s
buttons do?
available service components. Press the S E RVICE
CO M P O N E N T + and S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T - buttons
to scroll forward and backward, re s p e c t i ve l y, thro u g h
available service components.
These buttons have some additional features.
Press the S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T + button and hold
it 2 seconds to enter PASS WORD EN T RY mode.
Once in PASS WORD EN T RY mode, press S E RVICE
CO M P O N E N T + again to move to the next password
field screen. Press S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T - to return
to previous field screens.
Press the S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T + button and hold
it 5 seconds to enter RECEIVER ID mode. Once in
RECEIVER ID mode, press S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T +
again to see the second 8 digits of the receiver ID.
What is Last Channel Memory Recall?
If the re c e i ver remains tuned to a broadcast channel
for at least 10 seconds, this broadcast channel
and volume level are stored. When the receiver is
switched off and on again, the receiver will tune to
that last broadcast channel.
What is a carrier?
A carrier is an efficient technology used by the
Wo r l d Space satellites to tra n s p o rt multiple Wo r l d Sp a c e
b roadcast channels. Each Wo r l d Space satellite has
t h ree beams, and each beam has two carriers. Each
carrier contains multiple broadcast channels. After the
LEARN or EXTENDED LEARN mode has been scanned
and automatically stored all carriers available in yo u r
region, you will have access to all these carriers’
b roadcast channels.
When I use the LEARN mode, the LCD
WorldSpace uses, and the WorldSpace receiver
panel displays a series of numbers. What
recognizes, a predefined carrier list
is the significance of these numbers?
(numbers 33, 38, 43, 48, 54, 59, 75, 80). The
LEARN mode searches through these predefined
carriers to find the available broadcast channels
and service components for your region and
stores them.
When I use the EXTENDED LEARN mode,
The EXTENDED LEARN mode scans all carriers
the LCD panel displays a series of
from 0–81 for available broadcast channels and
numbers. What is the significance of
service components in your region and stores them.
these numbers?
This mode can be used any time, but is only
n e c e s s a ry should WorldSpace launch additional
satellites or install repeater services.