P c con n ec tio n – WorldSpace wssr-11 User Manual

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2) When an encrypted station is selected, the re c e i ver will automatically searc h

for the necessary password. If the password is found in the memory, you will
be able to hear the encrypted channel.

Re m a r k s :

• During password verification, all buttons will be unava i l a b l e .

• If the re c e i ver is tuned to a decrypted BC, that channel will be muted

during ve r i f i c a t i o n .

• If the password list is full, the oldest password is re p l a c e d .

Clearing the entire password list

To clear the entire password list:

1) Press and hold the S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T + button for more than 10 seconds.

The LCD panel will show “PW CLEAR”.

2) Press the S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T + button once to complete the password clearing

p rocess and confirm that all passwords are cleare d .

NOTE: To cancel the password clearing process, press any button other than

S E RVICE CO M P O N E N T +, or switch off the re c e i ve r.


The PC CO NNE C TION jack on the left side of your re c e i ver is a port to a new type of
multimedia service. With a Wo r l d Sp a c e PC Adaptor


, you can connect your re c e i ve r t o

your personal computer (using its serial port or USB connector) and re c e i ve the
Wo r l d Sp a c e D i rect Media service, an exciting new way to re c e i ve select web content
d i rect from satellite. Being a Wo r l d Sp a c e D i rect Media subscriber is like having a
p e r s o n a l i zed CD - ROM delive red into your PC eve ry day. You interact with the content
that you download, use it on your schedule, and surf from one area of interest to
a n o t h e r. No telephone connection needed!

Wo r l d Sp a c e D i rect Media offers you choice, quality, speed, and re l i a b i l i t y. C o n t a c t
your nearest Wo r l d Sp a c e distributor for more information and how to subscribe, or visit
our Website at w w w . w o r l d s p a c e . c o m.


WorldSpace PC Adaptor sold separately