Grease fitting and oil point lubrication, Mower deck gearbox lubrication, Mower deck gearboxes – Walker MW 15 HP User Manual

Page 35: Maintenance instructions

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Maintenance Instructions




Before removing the oil filter, clean the area
around the filter to keep dirt and debris out of
the engine.

5. Remove the old oil filter and wipe off the filter

mounting surface on the engine.


Apply a thin coating of clean oil to the rubber
gasket on the replacement oil filter.

IMPORTANT: Use ONLY oil filters from the en-
gine manufacturer (Kawasaki 49065-2078). Af-
termarket oil filters may not seal properly and/or
may not have the correct pressure relief valve
for proper lubrication.

7. Install the new oil filter on the engine. Turn the

filter clockwise until the rubber gasket contacts
the sealing surface, then tighten an additional
1/2 turn.

8. Close



9. Fill the crankcase with new, clean oil. Use only

crankcase lubricants recommended by the en-
gine manufacturer. Refer to



this manual or the engine owner’s manual. Use
the recommended oil viscosity for the expected
ambient temperature. Oil with the correct vis-
cosity will aid starting in cold weather and as-
sure proper lubrication in hot weather. Fill up
to, but not above, the upper mark
on the dip-
stick. Crankcase capacity is 1.6 quarts (1.5 li-
ters) plus 0.2 quart (0.2 liters) for the new oil

IMPORTANT: Check the dipstick reading be-
fore adding the last 1/2 pint of oil and fill only to
the upper mark. DO NOT overfill the crankcase
(oil above upper mark) as this CAN result in
engine overheating, loss of power, and possi-
ble engine damage.

10. Start the engine and check for oil leaks around

the oil filter. Stop the engine, recheck the oil lev-
el, and add oil if necessary. (When the engine
is first operated with a new oil filter, the oil level
drops slightly as the filter is filled with oil.)

Grease Fitting and Oil Point Lubrication

Lubricate the grease fittings and oil points after ev-
ery 25 hours
of operation. Lubricate more often
when operating in dusty or dirty conditions. Use
SAE general purpose lithium or molybdenum base
grease for grease fittings and light machine oil (SAE
10) to lubricate oil points. Lubricate the locations
shown in the Chassis and Deck Lubrication
Points illustration.

NOTE: PTO universal joints (on the deck and trac-
tor) require routine lubrication after every 8 hours
of running time.

Mower Deck Gearbox Lubrication

NOTE: These instructions apply to all mower
decks with gear-driven blades. Refer to DSD52
Mower Deck Lubrication
in this section for the
DSD52 deck with belt-driven blades.

The mower deck gearboxes (tee gearbox and blade
drive gearboxes) are connected as a unitized as-
sembly, and oil flows freely between them. The
gearboxes are permanently lubricated (oil filled) and
sealed requiring no scheduled lubrication. Howev-
er, the gearbox oil seals should be checked every
25 hours
for indication of an oil leak; particularly
the lower seals
on the blade drive gearboxes
should be inspected, since they operate in a dirty en-
vironment. If an oil leak is noted, replace the oil seal
and relubricate the gearbox assembly as follows:

1. Remove gearbox cover (footrest). Deck orien-

tation should be in the normal operating position.

Mower Deck Gearboxes

(shown with gearbox cover removed for clarity)

Blade Drive


