Worth Data RF Terminal 7000 User Manual
Page 8

out to the serial port, which then passes this data on to the Base station. The Base station then broadcasts the
message to the terminal, causing the terminal to display the message to the user.
The Base station is not machine-sensitive (it needs a standard RS-232 serial port) nor is it operating system
dependent (you just need to be able to read and write to the serial port as a separate device).
Connecting the Base station…
If you specified a 25 pin cable (part #F34) or a 9 pin cable (part #F36) when you ordered your Base station,
simply plug the RJ45 end of that cable into the COMPUTER port on the Base station, and the 25 or 9 pin
end into your computer’s serial port. If you are not connecting to a PC, see Appendix C for cable and serial
For an extension cable, you can use existing network cabling already in existence, but you must be certain
that the Transmit and Receive data lines are not in the same twisted pair.
If you are using an extension cable and are having problems, test the cable by:
Connecting the Base station without using the extension cable. Simply plug in the F34 or F36
cable that came with the Base.
If the Base works with only the F34 or F36 cable in place, add in the extension cable without
changing the physical location of the Base station. If the extension cable appears to be the culprit,
check to be sure that Transmit lines are connected to Receive lines.
Configuring the Base station…
After connecting the Base station to your serial port, you need to configure the serial settings on the Base
station to match those required by your software. The default settings are:
9600 baud
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
“None” protocol setting
You may want to increase the baud rate for performance. If you want to change any or all of these settings,
see Chapter 2 for details on configuring the Base station using the 7000 RF Base Station Serial
Configuration Utility.
Base station channel…
To determine what channel your Base station is set to, plug in the power supply and watch the LED light on
the front of the Base station. The LED will blink “the channel + 3” times.
For example, the default channel is 0. On power up, the LED on a Base station set to channel 0 would blink
3 times. A Base station set to channel 5 would blink 8 times.
If this is the only Base station operating, leave the channel at 0. If you have other Base stations in the area
and need to change the channel, see Appendix A; Channel and Jumper Changes for details on how to open
the Base station and set the rotary switch inside to the desired channel.