Worth Data RF Terminal 7000 User Manual

Page 101

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windshield. This applies only to the external tethered LZ400 Laser Scanner.

Aiming the Laser Dot:

Sometimes it is difficult to see the laser beam and know you are on the bar code, especially if you are
attempting to read outdoors in direct sunlight. The laser can be outputted as a brighter dot for a few seconds,
allowing the user to place the dot in the middle of the bar code; then the laser beam starts sweeping for the
read. As shipped, the laser beam never forms an aiming dot, but you can program a number of seconds that
you wish the aiming dot to appear before the sweeping beam by scanning the following:

"Difficult Code 39 Reading":

This setting facilitates reading of difficult Code 39 bar codes such as the Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN number) on automobiles, especially reading through a windshield. VIN numbers are long, often
weathered, often dirty, and challenging to read.

To enable the more aggressive Code 39 algorithms necessary to read windshield VINs change the Decode
to 1 or 2 in the Code 39 Options menu.

A clean windshield also makes reading bar codes easier.