Wayne PC2 Series User Manual
Page 8

Operating .Instructions .and .Parts .Manual
limited warranty
For .one .year .from .the .date .of .purchase, .Wayne .Water .Systems .(“Wayne”) .will .repair .or .replace, .at .its .option, .for .
the .original .purchaser .any .part .or .parts .of .its .Sump .Pumps .or .Water .Pumps .(“Product”) .found .upon .examination .
by .Wayne .to .be .defective .in .materials .or .workmanship . .Please .call .Wayne .(800-237-0987) .for .instructions .or .see .
your .dealer . .Be .prepared .to .provide .the .model .and .serial .number .when .exercising .this .warranty . .All .transporta-
tion .charges .on .Products .or .parts .submitted .for .repair .or .replacement .must .be .paid .by .purchaser .
This .Limited .Warranty .does .not .cover .Products .which .have .been .damaged .as .a .result .of .accident, .abuse, .misuse, .
neglect, .improper .installation, .improper .maintenance, .or .failure .to .operate .in .accordance .with .Wayne’s .written .
instructions .
There IS no oTher eXPreSS warranTy. IMPlIeD warranTIeS, InClUDInG ThoSe of MerChanT-
aBIlITy anD fITneSS for a ParTICUlar PUrPoSe, are lIMITeD To one year froM The DaTe of
PUrChaSe. ThIS IS The eXClUSIve reMeDy anD any lIaBIlITy for any anD all InDIreCT or ConSe-
QUenTIal DaMaGeS or eXPenSeS whaTSoever IS eXClUDeD.
Some .states .do .not .allow .limitations .on .how .long .an .implied .warranty .lasts, .or .do .not .allow .the .exclusions .or .
limitations .of .incidental .or .consequential .damages, .so .the .above .limitations .might .not .apply .to .you . .This .limited .
warranty .gives .you .specific .legal .rights, .and .you .may .also .have .other .legal .rights .which .vary .from .state .to .state .
In . no . event, . whether . as . a . result . of . breach . of . contract . warranty, . tort . (including . negligence) . or . otherwise, . shall .
Wayne . or . its . suppliers . be . liable . for . any . special, . consequential, . incidental . or . penal . damages . including, . but . not .
limited .to .loss .of .profit .or .revenues, .loss .of .use .of .the .products .or .any .associated .equipment, .damage .to .associated .
equipment, .cost .of .capital, .cost .of .substitute .products, .facilities, .services .or .replacement .power, .downtime .costs, .or .
claims .of .buyer’s .customers .for .such .damages .
You .
MUST .retain .your .purchase .receipt .along .with .this .form . .In .the .event .you .need .to .exercise .a .warranty .claim, . .
you .
MUST send .a .copy .of .the .purchase .receipt .along .with .the .material .or .correspondence . .Please .call .Wayne .
(800-237-0987) .for .return .authorization .and .instructions .
Do noT MaIl ThIS forM To wayne. Use .this .form .only .to .maintain .your .records .
MODEL .NO ._________________ . . .SERIAL .NO .____________________________ . . . .INSTALLATION . .DATE_______________
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