10 bits 9-10 - translation type, Table 26 - translation type, 11 bit 11 - ultra dma – Western Digital T13/2132-D User Manual

Page 69: 12 bit 12 - hpa active, 13 bit 13h - 48-bit lba addressing enabled, 14 bits 14-15 - reserved, 10 offset 12-13h - reserved, 11 offset 14 - table revision, 12 offset 15 - checksum

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June 23, 2010

T13/2132-D Revision 3

Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4)

57 Bits 9-10 - translation type

If bit 3 is cleared to zero then this field shall be ignored and shall be zero. If bit 3 is set to one then this field
identifies the geometric translation shown in table 26. Bit 11 - Ultra DMA

If the system is configured for Ultra DMA, this bit shall be set to one and byte 8 (DMA Channel/DMA Type) should
be used to configure the system. If this bit and bit 1, (Bit 1 = fast DMA, clause are cleared to zero,
then the DMA Channel/DMA Type field shall be ignored. Bit 12 - HPA Active

The HPA Active bit shall be set to one if the Host Protected Area (HPA) is active. The HPA is active if a volatile
or non-volatile SETMAX has been issued with a value other than the NATIVE MAX address. This bit shall be
cleared to zero if NATIVE MAX sectors can be accessed using read and/or write commands. Bit 13h - 48-bit LBA addressing enabled

The 48-bit LBA addressing enabled bit shall be set to one if the INT 13h handler is using 48-bit extended
commands to access the device. The 48-bit LBA addressing enabled bit shall be cleared to 0 if the INT 13h
handler is not using 48-bit extended commands to access the device. Bits 14-15 - Reserved Offset 12-13h - Reserved Offset 14 - table revision

The table version shall be set to 30h indicating compliance with this standard. Offset 15 - checksum

This shall be the two's complement of the 8-bit unsigned sum of bytes 0 through 14. Adding bytes 0 through 15
shall in all cases produce an 8-bit result of zero.

Table 26 — Translation Type

Bits 9-10


00b Bit-shift translation
01b LBA assisted translation
10b Reserved

11b Vendor specific translation