7 get drive parameters (fn 08h), Ters (see 8.7) – Western Digital T13/2132-D User Manual

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June 23, 2010

T13/2132-D Revision 3

Working Draft Enhanced Disk Drive - 4 (EDD-4)


8.7 Get Drive Parameters (FN 08h)

This function shall be used to find the CHS geometry used by INT 13h functions 2, 3, and 4 to access the drive.


AH 08h

DL BIOS device number


Carry Clear Function completed without error

AH Shall be cleared to zero

BL Vendor Specific

CH Low order 8 bits of the maximum cylinder number


Bit Description

7:6 high order 2 bits of the cylinder
5:0 sector number

DH Maximum head number

DL Total number of INT 13h devices with an INT 13h device number greater than


ES:DI Vendor Specific

Carry Set Function completed with an error

AH Shall be set to the error code