Introduction, Chapter 1. introduction – Velocity Micro MS-3 User Manual
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide
This chapter introduces Velocity11 device drivers and provides some
basic procedures that are needed to use them.
A Velocity11 device driver is software that plugs into VWorks or
BenchWorks software to allow them to control a specific device.
Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with the VWorks or
BenchWorks software user interface. Information about using VWorks or
BenchWorks software can be found in the VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide or BenchWorks Automation Control User Guide.
To set up and use Velocity11 device drivers, become familiar with the
content in this guide as well as the guides for the devices that use
VWorks or BenchWorks software.
This chapter contains the following topics:
“Who should read this guide” on page 2
“About Velocity11 user guides” on page 3
“What this guide covers” on page 5
“About device drivers” on page 7
“Installing device drivers” on page 9
“About diagnostics” on page 11
“Opening diagnostics” on page 12
“Setting the properties for a device” on page 16
“Adding and linking Sub Process tasks” on page 19
“Using JavaScript to set task parameters” on page 21
“About reader output files” on page 22