Setting microscan ms-3 laser task parameters, Setting m – Velocity Micro MS-3 User Manual

Page 34

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Chapter 2: Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner

Microscan MS-3 Laser Scanner Device Driver User Guide


Related topics

Setting Microscan MS-3 Laser task parameters

About this topic

When the Microscan MS-3 Laser is added to the device manager, the task
associated with the device becomes available in the protocol editor.
When a task is added to a protocol, you need to set the parameters for it.
This includes choosing the Microscan MS-3 Laser to use and the side of
the labware on which the barcode is located.

This topic describes the task and its parameters.

Read this topic if you are:

An administrator or technician responsible for creating protocols

An operator who wants to make changes to the Microscan MS-3
Laser task parameters in a protocol

Note: Operators cannot save changes to protocols.

About Microscan
MS-3 Laser tasks

The Microscan MS-3 Laser device driver adds one task to VWorks or
BenchWorks software. This task instructs the Microscan MS-3 Laser to
scan a barcode.

The Microscan MS-3 Laser task is represented by this icon in the Protocol
Tasks toolbar:

For information about...


Opening diagnostics

“Setting the properties for a device” on
page 16

Adding the Microscan MS-3 Laser
to the device manager

“Setting the properties for a device” on
page 16

The next step

“Setting the properties for a device” on
page 16

The workflow this procedure
belongs to

“Workflow for configuring the
Microscan MS-3 Laser” on page 28

Managing Microscan MS-3 Laser

“Managing Microscan MS-3 Laser
profiles” on page 33

Using Microscan MS-3 Laser

“Operating the Microscan MS-3 Laser
with diagnostics” on page 32

Using Microscan MS-3 Laser tasks

“Setting Microscan MS-3 Laser task
parameters” on page 30


“About profiles” on page 15