Addng your new handset regsterng a handset, Getting started, Adding your new handset – VTech LS5105 User Manual

Page 6: Registering a handset

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Adding your new handset

Before usng a newly purchased handset (

LS5105), t must be regstered wth the telephone base. If

you already have 12 handsets regstered to the telephone base and you wsh to replace an exstng

handset wth the newly purchased one, see page 5.

Registering a handset

Before regsterng an addtonal handset, make sure that the handset battery

s nstalled and charged.
To regster a new handset:
1. Place the unregstered handset n the telephone base.
2. Press the

MENU softkey on the telephone base whle n dle mode.

3. Press the

UP and DOWN Navkeys to hghlght Register Handset, then

press the

SELECT softkey.

Registering Handset wll appear on the telephone base dsplay, then
Registration in progress... wll appear on the handset dsplay.
The regstraton process may take up to 90 seconds to complete.

When the regstraton process s complete, the telephone base and handset

will generate a confirmation tone. The newly registered handset will be

assgned the next handset regstraton number. For nstance, f you already

have one regstered handset,

HANDSET 1, the next regstered handset wll



Getting started



n progress...


Place n



Regster handset:

Press MENU n the

base. Fnd 'Regster

Handset' n the Man

Menu. Press SELECT.

You must follow

the regstraton

process for each

handset you wsh

to regster to the

telephone base.