About cordless telephones warranty, About cordless telephones, Warranty – VTech LS5105 User Manual

Page 21: Appendix

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About cordless telephones

Privacy: The same features that make a cordless telephone convenent create some lmtatons. Telephone calls are transmtted between the telephone base and

the cordless handset by rado waves, so there s a possblty that the cordless telephone conversatons could be ntercepted by rado recevng equpment wthn

range of the cordless handset. For ths reason, you should not thnk of cordless telephone conversatons as beng as prvate as those on corded telephones.
Electrical Power: The telephone base of ths cordless telephone must be connected to a workng electrcal outlet. The electrcal outlet should not be controlled

by a wall swtch. Calls cannot be made from the cordless handset f the telephone base s unplugged or swtched off, or f the electrcal power s nterrupted.
Potential TV Interference: Some cordless telephones operate at frequences that may cause nterference to televsons and VCRs. To mnmze or prevent

such nterference, do not place the telephone base of the cordless telephone near or on top of a TV or VCR. If nterference s experenced, movng the cordless

telephone farther away from the TV or VCR wll often reduce or elmnate the nterference.
Rechargeable Batteries: Ths product contans ether Nckel-Cadmum or Nckel-Metal Hydrde rechargeable batteres. Exercse care n handlng batteres n

order not to create a short crcut wth conductng materal such as rngs, bracelets, and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause harm. Observe

proper polarty between the battery and the battery charger.
Nickel-Metal Hydride Rechargeable Batteries: Dspose of these batteres n a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture. Lke other batteres of ths type, f

burned or punctured, they could release caustc materal whch could cause njury.


What does this limited warranty cover?
The manufacturer of ths VTech Product warrants to the holder of a vald proof of purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the Product and all accessores provded

n the sales package (“Product”) are free from defects n materal and workmanshp, pursuant to the followng terms and condtons, when nstalled and used

normally and n accordance wth the Product operatng nstructons. Ths lmted warranty extends only to the Consumer for Products purchased and used n the

Unted States of Amerca and Canada.
What will VTech do if the Product is not free from defects in materials and workmanship during the limited warranty period (“Materially Defective Product”)?
Durng the lmted warranty perod, VTech’s authorzed servce representatve wll repar or replace at VTech’s opton, wthout charge, a Materally Defectve Product. If

we repar the Product, we may use new or refurbshed replacement parts. If we choose to replace the Product, we may replace t wth a new or refurbshed Product of

the same or smlar desgn. We wll retan defectve parts, modules, or equpment. Repar or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s opton, s your exclusve remedy.

VTech wll return repared or replacement Products to you n workng condton. You should expect the repar or replacement to take approxmately 30 days.
How long is the limited warranty period?
The lmted warranty perod for the Product extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase. If VTech repars or replaces a Materally Defectve Product under

the terms of ths lmted warranty, ths lmted warranty also apples to repared or replacement Product for a perod of ether (a) 90 days from the date the repared

or replacement Product s shpped to you or (b) the tme remanng on the orgnal one-year warranty; whchever s longer.
What is not covered by this limited warranty?
Ths lmted warranty does not cover:

1. Product that has been subjected to msuse, accdent, shppng or other physcal damage, mproper nstallaton, abnormal operaton or handlng, neglect,

inundation, fire, water or other liquid intrusion; or

2. Product that has been damaged due to repair, alteration or modification by anyone other than an authorized service representative of VTech; or
3. Product to the extent that the problem experenced s caused by sgnal condtons, network relablty, or cable or antenna systems; or