Sizing pressure hose – Viper Hayward 5500 User Manual
Page 8

Use Only Genuine Hayward Replacement Parts.
IMPORTANT: Read Carefully - Don't Cut
the Wrong End of the Hose!
Note: After measuring the hose following the steps below, if
you need to reduce the hose length you will cut the hose
from the end with the Wall Quick Connect.
Insert the Wall Quick Connect into the Universal
Wall Fitting.
Hold the Cleaner Connector at the other end of the hose
and walk around the pool to the farthest point from the
dedicated return line in the pool wall (see pool diagrams
on Page 8).
a) If the jetted swivel (J) does not reach the farthest
point along your pool wall (from the dedicated return
line) then you must purchase a 10 foot pressure hose
extension (AX5500HE)
b) If the jetted swivel (J) reaches past the farthest point
along your pool wall (from the dedicated return line)
then measure the distance from the jetted swivel (J)
back to the farthest point along the pool wall. This
measured length should be removed from the other
end of the hose, the end with the Wall Quick Connect.
Double-check your measurement.
c) If you need to remove one complete section of hose
(10 ft.) remove the hose from the Wall Quick Connect (L)
and cut the hose 18 inches from the last swivel and
reconnect the 18 inches of hose to the Wall Quick
Remove the Wall Quick Connect from the Universal
Wall Fitting.
We recommend using Anvil-type shears (but a Utility
knife can be used) to Carefully cut the excess hose
from the end with the Wall Quick Connect.
Reconnect the Wall Quick Connect to the cut end of
the hose.
Sizing Pressure Hose
The 32 foot long Pressure Hose carries water from the
Universal Wall Fitting to the cleaner. It comes assembled as
• Cleaner Connector, 1 foot hose with 1 float near
cleaner connector
• T-fitting with Pressure Gauge and 3 inch hose
• Jetted Swivel (Note: Jet is on “bottom” of hose,
aligned with Sweep Hose attachment)
• 10 foot hose, with 3 floats
• Swivel
• 10 foot hose, with 3 floats
• Swivel
• 10 foot hose, with 3 floats
• Wall Quick Connect with Flow Regulator and Universal
Wall Fitting
Float Spacing: There are three, ten-foot hoses, each with
3 floats. A float should be placed 18 inches from each end
and one float in the middle, 5 feet from either end. An
additional float is placed on the 1 foot hose against the
cleaner connector.
Preparing Hose
Stretch hoses out as straight as possible, preferably in the
sun, to allow them to relax and straighten.
Note: Bent hoses will cause tangling and impede proper
performance of the Viper cleaner.
Measuring Pressure Hose Specification
Cleaner performance depends on a properly sized
pressure hose.
Jetted Swivel
Cleaner Connector
Last Swivel
Wall Quick Connect
Note: End of hose to be cut if necessary