Limited warranty – VIEWSONIC VS13191 User Manual
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ViewSonic VNB132
Limited Warranty
What the warranty covers:
VewSonc warrants ts products to be free from defects n materal and workmanshp durng the
warranty perod. If a product proves to be defectve n materal or workmanshp durng the warranty
perod, VewSonc wll, at ts sole opton, repar or replace the product wth a smlar product.
Replacement Product or parts may nclude remanufactured or refurbshed parts or components.
The replacement unt wll be covered by the balance of the tme remanng on the customer’s
orgnal lmted warranty. VewSonc provdes no warranty for the thrd-party software ncluded wth
the product or nstalled by the customer.
How long the warranty is effective:
ViewSonic NetBook products are warranted for (1) year from the first consumer purchase for parts
and labor.
User s responsble for the back up of any data before returnng the unt for servce. VewSonc s
not responsble for any data lost.
Who the warranty protects:
This warranty is valid only for the first consumer purchaser.
What the warranty does not cover:
1. Any product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
2. Damage, deteroraton or malfuncton resultng from:
a. Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature, unauthorized product
modification, or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product.
b. Any damage of the product due to shpment.
c. Removal or nstallaton of the product.
d. Causes external to the product, such as electrical power fluctuations or failure.
e. Use of supplies or parts not meeting ViewSonic’s specifications.
f. Normal wear and tear.
g. Any other cause whch does not relate to a product defect.
3. Any product exhbtng a condton commonly known as “mage burn-n” whch results when a
statc mage s dsplayed on the product for an extended perod of tme.
4. Removal, nstallaton, one way transportaton, nsurance, and set-up servce charges.
How to get service:
1. For nformaton about recevng servce under warranty, contact VewSonc Customer Support
(Please refer to Customer Support page). You wll need to provde your product’s seral number.
2. To obtan warranty servce, you wll be requred to provde (a) the orgnal dated sales slp, (b)
your name, (c) your address, (d) a descrpton of the problem, and (e) the seral number of the
3. Take or shp the product freght prepad n the orgnal contaner to an authorzed VewSonc
servce center or VewSonc.
4. For addtonal nformaton or the name of the nearest VewSonc servce center, contact
4.3: VewSonc NetBook Warranty
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NB_LW01 Rev. 1a 02-11-09