Factory defaults – United States Stove Company 5700 User Manual
Page 25
Setting Description
(P1) Auger Period
Time limit for the upper auger period of
operation. Display in is 1/10th sec.
16 sec
(P2) Cold Stove Temp
Low temperature limit that a warm stove
must reach in order to shut down com-
95 deg F
(P3) Hot Stove Temp
Maximum temperature limit that the stove
is allowed to reach before ceasing to feed
350 deg F
(P4) Hot Stove Hysterisis
Temperature differential below the Hot
Stove Temp that the stove must reach be-
fore resuming operation.
1 deg F
(P5) Room Air On Temp
Minimum temperature that the stove must
reach before the room air fan will operate.
115 deg F
(P6) Auger Load Time
Time limit that the auger will feed fuel dur-
ing the start-up sequence prior to engag-
ing the automatic igniter.
15 sec
(P7) Igniter On Time
Time limit that the automatic igniter is en-
gaged during the start-up sequence.
8 min
(P8) Start-Up Time
Time limit that the stove will be allowed to
operate before the Room Air On Temp
must be reached.
15 min
(P9) Factory Defaults
Selecting this variable will reset all of the
variables to the factory defaults.
(PA) Room Fan On Temp
High temperature limit that will cause the
stove to reduce the fuel feed rate by 25%
and maximize the room air fan speed.
290 deg
(PB) Auger Start Operation
Variable to control the auger fuel feed dur-
ing start-up. (0 = On, 1 = Off).
(PC) Auger Operation Select
Variable to set the upper auger period of
operation. (0 = 4 sec, 1 = 6 sec)