M-AUDIO Biport 2x4s User Manual

Page 32

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rate for the BiPort SMPTE generator. Flywheel sets the number of
frames the reader/regenerator will automatically time out on and cor-
rect when receiving either bad or no time code (slide the Flywheel fader
towards 0 to set “Jam Sync” mode). The “Start Writer” button starts and
stops the SMPTE writer. The Start Writer button will change to “Stop
Writer” after it has been clicked to begin writing. The “Start Time” and
“User Bits” buttons allow you to set, respectively, SMPTE start time and
the outgoing user bits.

To Set SMPTE Frame Rate

Click the button next to the SMPTE frame rate that you wish to use. The
LEDs on the BiPort front panel to the right of the Format button should
reflect these changes.

Note: A frame rate of 29.97 will light the “30” fps LED.
Remember, selecting a frame rate of 29.97 only effects the
rate at which 30 non-drop is written and has no effect on
SMPTE reading. When reading SMPTE, programs or prod-
ucts will normally display this frame rate as 30 non-drop
since they usually cannot tell the difference between 30
non-drop and 29.97 .

To Set Flywheel

Click on the slide fader and drag it until the desired setting is reached.

To Set SMPTE Start Time

The SMPTE start time defaults to 1 hour. To change the SMPTE start
time, click on the box that contains the start time settings. Highlight the
numbers in the area you wish to change (Hours, Minutes, etc.) and enter
the desired start time values. The “Tab” key will move you to the next
field. Click OK when you are finished selecting the new start time.

To Set User Bits

User Bits are set to all zeros as the default. To change the user bit setting,
click on the User Bits box. Highlight the User Bits area you wish to
change (there are eight bits that can be encoded with information) and
enter the desired single digit. The “Tab” key will move you to the next
field. Click on OK when you have created the desired setting.