Appendix e: compatible cables, Oper a tion guide, Analog and digital multitrack cables – Tonino Lamborghini OperationGuide MDR24/96 User Manual

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Operation Guide





Appendix E: Compatible Cables

Analog and Digital Multitrack Cables

The following companies supply analog and digital multitrack cables for use with
the MDR24/96 I/O cards:

Horizon Music, Inc.

P.O. Box 1988, Cape Girardeau MO 63702-1988
Tel: (800) 255-9822; Fax: (800) 455-3460

AIO•8 Analog Interface Cables

HDA8 Series

DB25 to [specify connector]

Connector options:

8 male XLR, 8 female XLR, or 8 1/4” TRS

Standard lengths:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25 feet

DIO•8 TDIF Interface Cables

TDIF Series

DB25 to DB25

Standard lengths:

5, 10, 15 feet

PDI•8 AES/EBU Interface Cables

HD44 Series

DB25 to [specify connector]

Connector options:

4 male + 4 female XLR, or DB25

Standard lengths:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25 feet

Hosa Technology, Inc.

6920 Hermosa Circle, Buena Park CA 90620
Tel: (714) 736-9270; Fax (714) 522-4540

AIO8 Analog Interface Cables

DTP Series

DB25 to 8 1/4“ TRS

DTF Series

DB25 to 8 female XLR’s

DTM Series

DB25 to 8 male XLR’s

Standard lengths:

3, 4, 5, 7 meters

DIO8 TDIF Interface Cables

DBK Series

DB25 to DB25

Standard lengths:

3, 15 feet

OPT•8 / DIO•8 ADAT Optical Interface Cables

OPT Series

Standard ADAT Optical cables

OPM Series

Jacketed ADAT Optical cables w/ metal headshell

OPT lengths:

2, 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 30, 50 feet

OPM lengths:

3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50 feet

PDI•8 AES/EBU Interface Cables

DBK Series

DB25 to 4 male, 4 female XLR’s

Standard length:

8 meters only