Oper a tion guide, Track edit menu [1]-> undo- cut copy paste redo, Insert – Tonino Lamborghini OperationGuide MDR24/96 User Manual
Page 13: Undo/redo

Operation Guide
Audio D
Audio E
Audi o D
Audio B
Audio E
Audio B
Source Track
S ource Track
Audio B
Access the Paste command by first
pressing TRACK/EDIT, then pressing
the Paste select button, and then
choosing Insert when you are ready
to perform the operation. This editing
function is another digital emulation
of analog tape editing. When you perform an Insert, the data on the clipboard is
placed onto the track specified. Instead of replacing existing data as would happen
with the Paste function, audio is moved to make room for the clipboard contents.
This is similar to analog tape editing: you could cut the tape in two pieces, insert
the piece of tape you wish to add between the two ends, and tape all three
together. The previous data will be shifted later in time to make room for the new
audio. Again, with the MDR24/96 you can perform an Insert onto just the selected
tracks instead of all of them. Insert can be useful when you need to increase the
length of a verse by copying the exiting portion and inserting it again to double the
length. It can also be useful to insert some silence at the beginning of a track.
The Undo/Redo operation allows you to revert to any stage in your editing process.
You can experiment with different edits and then compare the results with the
original to decide if you want to keep an edit or not. You can also use the Undo-
Redo to correct a bad recording pass. The MDR24/96 keeps a record of the last
999 commands you performed on the current project since the last time the project
was opened. These are stored in what is called a History List. Think of the History
List as a record of every command executed from the beginning of the session to
the present state of the MDR24/96. This means that you can perform 999 edits,
and undo back to the very beginning of the editing session. Because you can redo
edits as well, you can go back and forth until you are satisfied. The MDR24/96
does not remember the History list forever. If you open a new session you must
either save the current state of the MDR24/96 or choose not to save, thus reverting
the project to the last saved state. When you open the project again, the history list
will be cleared. If you turn off the MDR, the history list will also be forgotten.
To go to the Undo-Redo menu:
1. First press the
2. Press the Undo-
select button.
You will now be in the Undo-Redo menu. On the top line of the display, you will see
a listing of the command or function that can be undone listed after the word
Undo. On the second line you will see the command or edit that can be redone
listed after the word Redo. You might see the words Record Pass, Cut, or Paste
listed to name a few. The bottom left corner of the screen shows which History
Before Insert Audio B:
After Insert Audio B:
(trackselect = record)
Start Paste Insert
Cut Copy Paste Redo