Mdr 24/ 96, Copy, Paste – Tonino Lamborghini OperationGuide MDR24/96 User Manual
Page 12

MDR 24/96
(trackselect = record)
Start End Cancel Copy
Access the Copy command by first
pressing TRACK/EDIT, then pressing
the Copy select button, and then
choosing Copy when you are ready to
perform the operation. The copy
command places the selected audio
onto the clipboard but it does not
remove it from the original tracks; these are unaffected by the copy function.
Copying audio is often used to replace bad sections of audio with a good section
that came before it. For example, if a singer nailed the take for the first chorus but
didn’t have the required energy for the second, you can then easily copy her first
chorus and paste it into the second.
Access the Paste command by first
pressing TRACK/EDIT, then pressing
the Paste select button, and then
choosing Paste when you are ready to
perform the operation. The Paste
command copies the contents of the
Clipboard onto the selected audio track. This replaces any audio on the track with
the audio on the clipboard. In the Paste Menu you only specify the Start point, not
the end point. The length of audio on the clipboard determines the end point. This
means that you must be sure that the audio on the clipboard is not longer than you
think; if it is it may replace something that it shouldn’t. But, if the selection on the
clipboard has a section with no information where nothing was recorded into the
original track, then the section being pasted over will not be replaced.
The MDR24/96 pastes multiple tracks based on the lowest track arm light that is
lit when in the Paste Menu. It remembers the arrangement of tracks on the
clipboard and will paste them accordingly. If we copy audio from tracks 12, 15, 16,
and 17 and paste them starting on track 12, the MDR24/96 will paste the tracks
in the same tracks they were copied from. If we instead paste these with the track
1 record ready light lit, the tracks will be pasted onto tracks 1, 4, 5 and 6. If
multiple track arm lights are illuminated when pasting, the tracks will be pasted
starting on the lowest one; the rest of the record ready lights are irrelevant. If a
single track is pasted with multiple lights illuminated, the same will be true. The
track will only be pasted on the lowest track, nothing will happen to the rest of
the armed tracks.
Before Copy Audio B:
After Copy Audio B:
(trackselect = record)
Start Paste Insert
Before Paste Audio B:
After Paste Audio B:
Audio D
Audio E
Audio D
Audio B
Audio F
Audio B
S ource Track
Audio F
Source Track
Audio B
Audio A
Audio B
Audio A
Audio B
Audio C
Audio B
S ource Track
Audio C
Source Track