Using naviplay – TEN Technology naviPlay Bluetooth Stereo Headset Kit for iPod User Manual

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You can control the playback of the music using either the naviPlay Headset remote controls or
the iPod controls. Here's a quick reference to the naviPlay Headset controls for music.

naviPlay Remote Controls

Play/pause music.

Adjust the volume.

Play the current song again.

Play the next song.

Play the previous song.

Scan through a song.

Turn On

Turn Off

Press down on the POWER/Play/Pause button.

Press the VOLUME UP (+) or VOLUME DOWN (-) to
adjust the volume by one level. Press and hold in either
direction to gradually adjust the volume level.

Press the PREVIOUS TRACK once.

Press the NEXT TRACK.

Press the PREVIOUS TRACK twice.

Press and hold the NEXT TRACK or PREVIOUS TRACK
until the iPod starts to scan.

Press POWER/Play/Pause button.

Turn Off Press and hold POWER/Play/Pause button until
status light turns constant amber.


Using naviPlay

Volume Down

Call Answer/End

Status Light

Next Track


Previous Track

Volume Up

Using naviPlay