Clip 160 – Topcom CLIP 160 User Manual
Page 9

Clip 160
11 How to replace an empty batter y
When the battery is almost empty, the battery icon appears
on the display. As soon as you see this icon, make sure you
replace the battery within the next two weeks or the
m e m o ry will get lost when the battery is completely empty.
S c roll through all the new messages before replacing the
batteries. All the saved data will be pre s e rved if you re p l a c e
the batteries within 1 minute. The device has to be in
standby mode. As soon as the batteries are replaced, pre s s
the Call Back button and the Clip 160 becomes operative.
12 Warranty
Wa rranty : 1 year
Ask your dealer for your free swop warr a n t y.
Attention : Do not forget to include your purchase invoice
when you re t u rn the damaged device.
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