St-300 synthesized transmitter – Telex SR-400 User Manual

Page 8

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General Description

The Telex ST-300 is a base sta tion trans mit ter which
op er ates in the 72-76 MHz band and ac cepts a wide
range of au dio in put lev els.

Operating Features


ST-300 Front Panel

1. Power But ton
2. Head phone vol ume ad just ment

3. Head phone Mon i tor ing Jack

4. SET But ton
5. Back Lit LCD Dis play

6. UP and DOWN Ad just ment But tons

ST-300 Rear Panel

1. XLR In put Con nec tor: Ac cepts bal -

anced dy namic mi cro phone, 600
ohm line or 70 Volt line in puts

2. Un bal anced Au dio ¼" In put Con -

nec tor.

3. An tenna Jack: Ac cepts tele scop ing

an tenna (sup plied) and op tional

4. Power In put Jack: Ac cepts any

source of 12-15 VAC/DC 700 mA
min i mum.

Fig ure 4

Op er ating Fea tures ST-300

Front and Rear Panel

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