Battery information, Antenna information – Telex SR-400 User Manual

Page 16

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Im proper bat tery se lec tion, use, in stal la tion and care
are the cause of nu mer ous wire less sys tem fail ures.

Alkaline Batteries

Al ka line bat ter ies such as Mallory’s DURACELL®
or Eveready’s EN ER GIZER® pro vide the most re li -
able op er a tion in wire less trans mit ters and re ceiv ers.
The use of low cost car bon-zinc bat ter ies is NOT

*EN ER GIZER® is a reg is tered trade mark of Un ion
Car bide Cor po ra tion.
*DURACELL® is a reg is tered trade mark of
Duracell Inc.


Antenna Alignment

Fig ure 10

An tenna Align ment

Good and Bad

Antenna Placement

Proper an tenna place ment prob a bly has the most ef -
fect on your TELEX Wire less Sys tem’s over all per -
for mance. Fol low ing the sug ges tions that fol low
should re sult in “drop out free” per for mance.

Fig ure 11

Dis tance Be tween Trans mit ter and Re ceiver


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