Equipment operation, Sr-50 synthesized receiver, Sr-400 synthesized receiver – Telex SR-400 User Manual

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Operation of the SR-50 Receiver

Try to keep a clear, un ob structed path be tween the
trans mit ter and re ceiver an ten nas for clear re cep tion.

Plug in a unit such as an ear phone, head phone but -
ton re ceiver, in duc tion coil neckloop, or au dio-input
hear ing aid into the head phone jack. (The cord acts
as a re ceiv ing an tenna.)

Ro tate the VOL UME OFF/ON con trol slowly in the
clock wise di rec tion while mon i tor ing the vol ume

When sat is fied with the vol ume level, place the Re -
ceiver in a pocket or clip it to your belt for con ve -

Al ways re turn the VOL UME OFF/ON con trol to the
OFF po si tion when the re ceiver is not in use to pre -
serve bat tery life and pre vent bat tery leak age.


Operation of the SR-400 Receiver

Try to keep a clear, un ob structed path be tween the
trans mit ter and re ceiver an ten nas for a clear trans -
mis sion.

Fig ure 8

SR-400 Display

1. Chan nel Dis play A through Q and low bat tery in di -

ca tor

2. Lock In di ca tor (see Change Lock Out)
3. High Fre quency Em pha sis In di ca tor (on when

sym bol is show ing)

4. En hanced Dy namic Range In di ca tor.

Chan nel Se lec tion

1. Turn the re ceiver on and plug a lis ten ing de vice

into the head phone jack. A chan nel let ter will
show in the dis play.

2. Press the set but ton once and the Chan nel in di ca -

tor will flash.

3. Press the but ton and the Chan nel will cy cle

up, match the chan nel to the trans mit ter be ing
used (ST-200, ST-300, PST-16, or PST-170).

4. Press SET, the chan nel in di ca tor will stop flash -

ing and the chan nel is set.








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