The control tab – TC Electronic Harmony4 TDM User Manual
Page 11

Pitch Randomize
Small amounts of this parameter apply a unique, moving pitch shift to each
voice that is derived from the study of human singing. It is used to remove the
sometimes mechanical sound of perfectly in-tune harmonies.
Time Randomize
No group of singers is able to start their harmony notes at the exact same time.
Lower values of this parameter create slight timing differences to the onset and
sustained portions of each harmony note. This feature greatly increases realism
when the harmony voices are panned in stereo.
Vibrato Style & Amount
A unique modeled vibrato based on the analysis of human singers can be
added to each harmony voice using a combination of these two parameters.
When Style and Amount are chosen, vibrato occurs when the pitch of the lead
voice has settled momentarily. This more closely simulates human singing.
Vibrato may not occur if the lead voice melody is changing quickly.
The styles are randomized so that they sound slightly different on each voice
even when the same style is chosen for all. Mixing different styles can create a
very realistic sounding vocal group.
Scoop Style & Amount
The Scoop parameter adds a brief pitch envelope to the onsets of the harmony
notes, further disconnecting the harmonies from the lead. Select a style, then
use the Amount control to determine the shift range of the scoop.
The Control Tab
The Control Tab is used to configure parameters that relate to the different
harmony modes. Depending on the mode, different parameters are available. A
brief description of each harmony mode follows here with more detailed
discussion following in Chapter 3.
Mode: Shift
Shift Mode is best used for doubling and special FX. Shift is the most basic
mode of operation for the Harmony Block. The harmony voices can be shifted
above or below the input note in semi-tones.
Mode: Scale
In Scale Mode, harmonies use key and scale information to create musically
correct, diatonic harmonies. Scale Mode harmonies are more parallel than
Chord Mode harmonies. To overcome situations where the harmony interval is
incorrect for one or two sung notes, the custom scale editing parameters may
be used. Refer to Appendix: Scale Types and Voicings Table