4000000782_i450 instructions__pg21_en.pdf – The First Years VIA 1450 User Manual

Page 22

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Section 7 - Installation and Use


2 -

Lower Infant seat on to the base.


NOTE-You should hear a positive

click when the Infant Seat is installed

correctly. Pull up on the Infant Seat

handle to ensure the Infant Seat is

attached to the base. see figure




CHECK level indicator to ensure the

ball is in the green area. Turn yellow

adjust height knob clockwise to raise

the base or counter clockwise to

lower base.

CHECK base for movement at the

belt path. Base should not move

more than 1 inch in any direction.

5- If the base does not pass both

checks, repeat installation steps

until the base installation passes

both checks.


NEVER attempt to install the infant

seat with the auto belt. The Infant

Seat can only be used with a base.

Ensure base is installed correctly

as described in the Base

Installation section before installing

the Infant seat.

Installing Carrier onto the Base -




This carrier must always

be used with the base.

Rear of Vehicle