4000000782_i450 instructions__pg14_en.pdf – The First Years VIA 1450 User Manual

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Section 6 - Selecting A Vehicle Seating Location


Lap and Shoulder Belt with

Dual Retractors

Do Not Use!- Each autobelt Strap has

a retractor at each end and is attached

to the latch plate at one end.

Unsafe Vehicle Seat Belt

Systems cont.-

6. Vehicle Seat Belt Retractors

Consult your vehicle’s owners manual for types of

retractors that are in your automobile and the function of

the retractors.

Acceptable Autobelt Retractor Type

ALR – Automatic Locking Retractor: Allows belt to be

pulled in one motion until fastened, then operates as a

ratchet, winding in slack, preventing further extension

(until completely rewound). In most belts, you will hear

a faint clicking sound that indicates the belt is locked

and ratcheting in.

Switchable– When Adjusted to the ELR mode -

Manually adjustable from ELR mode to ALR mode. For

most, pull belt webbing all the way out of the retractor to

activate theALR mode. A slight "click" may be heard, but

the belt will ratchet in to retractor once switched into ALR

mode). In some models, the retractors switch from ELR

to ALR by pushing a button.

Unacceptable Autobelt Retractor Type
ELR – Emergency Locking Retractor
: Allows the belt

to befreely extended or rewound. It locks only when the

vehicle slows, changes direction or stops suddenly.