Toshiba PCX1100U User Manual
Page 20

IP Address
A unique, 32-bit address assigned to every device in a network. An IP (Internet
Protocol) address has two parts: 1) a network address and 2) a host address.
Each network is assigned an address by a government agency, and each
company administrator assigns an address to each host computer.
Modem registration
The process the Toshiba Cable Modem uses to make itself known to the headend
equipment. Once authorized by the router, the modem is assigned upstream and
downstream channels for data communication.
Network driver
A (software) file included with the Ethernet card. The file is loaded on the computer
to allow the computer to recognize the Ethernet card. See Ethernet Card.
Connector on the Toshiba Cable Modem, labeled 10BASE-T, that connects the
modem to a computer or to a HUB.
A computer user in the home who accesses a data service using the Toshiba
Cable Modem.
A network subdivision. When subnetting us used, the IP (Internet Protocol)
address is divided into a subnet number and a host number. Hosts and gateways
identify the bits used for the network and subnet number through the use of a
subnet mask.
TCP/IP communication stack
Software in the subscriber computer that processes packets through the
communication layers. The subscriber configures the IP address for the computer
and the router default gateway in the software. The TCP/IP communication stack
handles all the communications with the subscriber’s application.
Universal Serial Bus (USB) connects more than computers and peripherals.