T+A Elektroakustik K 6 User Manual
Page 8

Tone controls - treble and bass:
These two menu points enable you to alter the treble and
bass settings to compensate for tonal differences in
programme material. The settings affect all channels,
and the adjustment range is +/-6 dB in 1 dB increments.
The basic settings for the tone controls should first be
carried out in the 'Tone adjust Menu'. The tone settings
can be made separately for each channel, and compen-
sate for permanently imperfect loudspeaker positioning
and room influences.
Tone control on / off:
This menu point enables you switch the tone control
on / off to toggle easily between Linear mode and Tone
control mode.
Subwoofer level:
If you have switched on the subwoofer in the 'Loud-
speaker Menu', you can adjust its volume here within
the range -10 (dB) and + 10 (dB) in order to match the
subwoofer to the acoustic conditions of your listening
room and the volume of the other channels.
If the subwoofer is switched off in the 'Loudspeaker
Menu', this menu point in the 'Main Menu' is also set to
Off , and the subwoofer level cannot be adjusted.
It is essential to set the balance between the other chan-
nels (front, surround and center) in the 'Loudspeaker
Balance Menu' before you change this setting.
The term Loudness refers to an automatic volume-
sensitive tone control designed to compensate for the
frequency-dependent sensitivity of the human ear at very
low volumes. You can switch Loudness on and off in this
menu point.
Loudness switched on
Loudness switched off
Dynamic range:
Sound sources encoded using the Dolby Digital proc-
ess may have a very wide dynamic range. This can be
reduced in three stages to suit your circumstances, i.e.
quiet passages are reproduced slightly louder at low
volume, whereas loud passages are reduced in volume
slightly. You can select any of the following dynamic
Greatly reduced dynamic range, e.g.
for night-time listening.
Standard dynamic range, medium
Exploits maximum dynamic range
provided by the sound source.