Tektronix 4681FXI User Manual

Page 5

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4681FXI Ð Upgrading a Phaser 220e to a Phaser 220i

Return the 220e image processor and I/O boards to Tektronix


Pack the 220e image processor board in the antistatic bag that the 220i
image processor board was shipped in.


Place the packed image processor board inside the shipping box.


Pack the old I/O board in the antistatic bag the that new I/O board
was shipped in.


Place the packed I/O board inside the shipping box.


Mail the package to Tektronix:

Mailing in the USA:

Write the printer's serial number on the U.S.A shipping return label that
was included with the upgrade kit.

Attach the self-adhesive shipping label to the box.

Secure the box closed with heavy-duty shipping tape and mail to the
pre-addressed location. Postage is prepaid.

Mailing outside the USA:

Write the printer's serial number on the international shipping return
label that was included with the upgrade kit.

Attached the self-adhesive shipping label to the box.

Write the printer's serial number on the international shipping return

Secure the box closed with heavy-duty shipping tape and ship the box
to Tektronix using your respective country's shipping method.