ZELMER 829 User Manual
Page 58

3 Insert the dry fi ltration module with the SAFBAG (25)
dust bag to the container.
Prepare the vacuum cleaner for operation according
to section B.
4 The vacuum cleaner starts up with default setting of the
highest power range. One diode will light on the power level
indicator (6). Set the desired power value (this function is
only available in vacuum cleaners type 829.0) by pressing
the power adjustment buttons , (5).
ATTENTION! It is strictly prohibited to vacuum without
the dust bag and the inlet fi lter or with a damaged
dust bag. It may cause a failure of the vacuum cleaner
SAFBAG dust bag disassembly/assembly
Remove the dry fi ltration module with the SAFBAG
dust bag from the container.
ATTENTION! The water fi lter module/the dry fi ltration
module with the SAFBAG dust bag may only be
removed and inserted when the end of the hose is
removed from the vacuum cleaner opening.
1 Pull the SAFBAG dust bag interlock fastening and pull
the interlock aside.
2 Pull the fastening which attaches the SAFBAG dust bag
to the basket to release the dust bag plate.
3 Remove the dust bag.
4 Insert the SAFBAG dust bag according to the arrow
printed on the bag so that the lower part of the bag plate is in
the slot of the housing. Press the upper part of the bag plate
to the fastening until you hear a characteristic click and close
the SAFBAG dust bag interlock.
Insert the dry fi ltration module with the SAFBAG
dust bag to the container.
1 Press the “PRESS” button and remove the tank lid.
2 Insert the partition to the grooves in the container so that
the shutters are directed downwards. Make sure the partition
is correctly mounted in the container i.e. the partition fi ns
should cover the protrusion in the container.
3 Fill the container with 1,2 liter of water. The water level
should be in the range marked on the tank wall.
ATTENTION! Do not operate the appliance with an
empty container while vacuum cleaning with the use
of the water fi lter module.
4 Insert the fi ltration unit to the tank, make sure that the two
air stub pipes are in the openings of the vacuum cleaner body.
Prepare the vacuum cleaner for operation according
to section B.
The vacuum cleaner starts up with default setting of the
highest power range. One diode will light on the power level
indicator (6). Set the desired power value (this function is
only available in vacuum cleaners type 829.0) by pressing
the power adjustment buttons , (5).
ATTENTION! Do not operate the appliance for too
long without replacing the water in the container.
In case of long-term or very intensive vacuuming
of large amounts of dirt, the water in the tank which
constitutes the fi rst fi ltration level may in whole or in
a considerable part be absorbed by the dirt. In such
a case, exchange the water and continue vacuuming.
Avoid vacuuming surfaces covered with substances which
may favor an excessive foaming of the water inside the
tank. If you notice that the water is heavily foamed, add
a foam neutralizer recommended by the manufacturer of
the appliance e.g. “G 478 Entschäumer D” in the amount
indicated on the packaging. It can be purchased in stores
which offer ZELMER S.A. products or by mail order.
ATTENTION! Vacuuming with the amount of water in
the tank which exceeds the marked, permissible level
may cause the water to spill to the outside of the
appliance. If this situation repeats often, it may lead to
a fast clogging of the outlet HEPA fi lter.
ATTENTION! The vacuum cleaner is equipped with
a fl oat which will automatically block the suction if the
foam fi lter II (9) is heavily dirty or the liquid exceeds the
maximum level. In such a case switch off the vacuum
cleaner by pressing the on/off button (1), unplug the
appliance, clean the fi lter and empty the container.
If you want to use the vacuum cleaner to vacuum liquid, the
vacuum cleaner should be prepared as in the case of vacuum
cleaning with the use of the water fi lter module except that:
1 The container should be empty (without water).
2 You should use the nozzle for picking up water (21).
ATTENTION! Do not operate the vacuum cleaner with
a full container! Do not vacuum large amounts of liquid
at a time (e.g. with the hose immersed into water).
If the water exceeds the maximum level during vacuuming,
the fl oat will automatically block the suction. The maximum
capacity of the container is about 4,0 l. In such a case proceed
in the manner described above in the part concerning the
blocking of suction caused by a dirty foam fi lter.
End of operation cleaning and maintenance
Switch off the vacuum cleaner by pressing the on/off
button (1) and unplug the appliance.
Wind the cord by pressing the cord rewind button
(4). While
doing this hold the cord to make sure it is not tangled and
the plug does not hit the vacuum cleaner housing.
Press the interlock on the hose end and remove the hose
from the opening.